[131115] Stop and Take a Breath


“If I don’t give up on one thing, I can keep going and it will never end.”

I love-yet-hate that quote. It taught me to be more passionate toward something I working on. It taught me to still survive and try. I’d done that, I’ve tried (I really do) but then it’s just like that. Somehow the thing is not going to work no matter how much you put effort onto it.

Perhaps it’s the timing? Perhaps I’m still not good enough? Perhaps… I don’t know, everything seemed too dark for me to understand.

Living with idealism has never been easy. You take one certain wise quote and keep holding onto that so you can remember you only need to live in your quote and everything becomes alright. I believe -believed- that, back then. But no, I forget some important things; that I need to learn how to let go, to understand that life isn’t there to be my wishes-come-true field, to know that I really need to look back and realize my own incompetent self.

The one and really important thing is: I should know when to stop. Continue reading

A Piece of February Creamy Cake



Februari sudah lama berlalu, tapi mungkin saya akan selalu menjadikan Februari sebagai satu bulan yang berkesan di tiap tahunnya *ceritanya anak Februari*

Ada banyak penggalan cerita yang menanti untuk diketikkan dan dibagikan hingga yang membaca pun dapat mengecap sedikit rasanya. Terlalu banyak, sampai akhirnya satu per satu cerita terlupakan. Hahaha. Sejatinya penggalan-penggalan cerita itu harus direalisasikan sejak hari terakhir di bulan Februari kemarin, tapi apa daya jemari lentik ini terlalu malas untuk menari *haseeeek* Continue reading

Segenggam Rasa untuk Dia


I feel it again! When his name was mentioned, my mind was being on flashback-mode.

Otak kita bener-bener mirip seperti gudang penyimpanan dengan tanpa batas ya. Tiap memori kecil masih tersimpan rapi di kotak-kotak yang tertata. Gak pernah bener-bener terlupakan, apalagi terbuang. Dan, ternyata ada banyak hal yang masih aja bisa bikin kita tenggelam di dalamnya. Continue reading