[!] Help, Help~

July 31, 2015

It’s an unusual feeling. Whether you like him, you dislike him, or even you enjoy his company, it doesn’t matter.

It’s so weird, rare thing. Whether you like her, you dislike her, or even you’re jealous at every man around her, it really doesn’t matter.

In the end, you can’t ask him…

You will never ask her, anyway…

His well-being is important so you don’t want to screw it off.

Her feeling is your priority so you can’t make her confuse.

Til very end, they still can’t ask something that probably has the answer they are afraid to hear. Continue reading

The Pair of Eyes


The Pair of Eyes

Ia merasa tak istimewa. Tak ada hal yang menonjol darinya. Tak ada sesuatu yang membuatnya mencolok. Mungkin ia justru adalah orang yang paling biasa di muka bumi ini.

Cara bicara, raut wajah, gaya berjalan… semua yang dimilikinya tampak biasa saja.

Bila pun ada yang berbeda, tak banyak orang yang bisa melihatnya.

Sorot matanya adalah satu-satunya hal yang membedakannya dengan yang lain. Sepasang matanya seolah hidup, mengeluarkan pantulan sejernih kilau air di permukaan danau yang bening. Tak ada kabut di kedua manik matanya, seperti sepasang mata milik anak kecil.

Anak kecil… Continue reading

[131015] Unavoidable Day

I… seriously don’t know what should I write here. Few days before, many things happened; mostly bad things, some good things. However, in the end those all just went by.

And when today comes, it’ll pass just like another ordinary day. Except, it’s not an ordinary day for some people. Honestly, I don’t know how to greet this day; in fact, I don’t even want this day to come. I have so many unanswered questions today. How could I answer them, from where I should start, and how to be not affected by them… I honestly don’t know.

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My feelings… um… it’s blurry, gray, undefined well.

I should send you with a smile as reminding myself that you’ll be alright by your own.

I should watch your back til very last moment so I can remember how you looked like.

I should… make sure you will serve well, healthy and happy.

Those thinking-train honestly has haunted so much. I’d love to try them since they are probably the last things I could do for you. One thing I really want is keeping your well-being and happiness more than anything. Who cares what I would feel, it’s you who really matter.

So, serve well, Active-soldier Lee Hyukjae!! See you again! I’ll live well, so it’d be nice if you will too.


Sometime when thing goes wrong, you just should know you’re a human with no control for everything. It will be hard when you meet a failure -or perhaps when you thought you are the failure itself. Nope, you’re not a failure. You’re a human. Human who can fail anyone-your parent, friends, even yourself or be failed by anyone, anything.

It’s really okay for not being okay.

So keep your chin up! Everything’s gonna be fine… eventually.