[!] Help, Help~

July 31, 2015

It’s an unusual feeling. Whether you like him, you dislike him, or even you enjoy his company, it doesn’t matter.

It’s so weird, rare thing. Whether you like her, you dislike her, or even you’re jealous at every man around her, it really doesn’t matter.

In the end, you can’t ask him…

You will never ask her, anyway…

His well-being is important so you don’t want to screw it off.

Her feeling is your priority so you can’t make her confuse.

Til very end, they still can’t ask something that probably has the answer they are afraid to hear.

So, this draft has been in my draft for about 6 months. I think I know where I should bring this story out, but right now I really, repeat: really, don’t know the cast(s) I should write. Maybe you can help me out?

OC is fine, idols are welcomed, anyone is good for me. So, please~ /.\

4 thoughts on “[!] Help, Help~

  1. aku cinta banget sama jihyuk kak shell pinginnya sih castnya mereka aja..hihi
    tapii pengen coba jg sih ngerasain cast diluar jihyuk yg kk shel tulis, ak lupa siapa kak castnya tp kak shel pernah deh bt ff pakek cast ini nnt biar ak obrak abrik dlu blognya kak shel bt liat castnya.hehe

    atau enggak kak shel nyiptain nama cast sendiri aja yg pakek nama indonesia gitu kak kan kyknya kak shel blm pernah tuh coba pakek nama indonesia, misal DimasxTata atau rianoxrara rinaldxdewi

    • Kalo JiHyuk sebenernya bisa aja, cuma sebenernya ff ini rencananya bakal ke arah persahabatan gituh HAHAHA
      Kalo pake nama indo, sejujurnya akunya yang belom pede ><

    • kalo She ntar susah deh adaptasi ceritanyah hohoho.. tapi Oh Sehun bakal jadi pertimbangan sih. Aku suda pernah nulis pake cast anak eksoh (tapi si Kris waktu itu), nanti aku coba deh xD
      AMIIIIINNN!!! Terima kasyiiihh~ doa yang sama berlaku buat kamuuuhh yaa! ^^

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